Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Should I Buy a Safe?

How can you possibly be saving any money if I’m here trying to talk you into making a major financial purchase?

There are several reasons for this, the first of which is this: In the long term, the decision to purchase a safe will increase your wealth, not decrease it. Did you notice that I said “long term”? This means that the purchase of a safe is not an expense, but rather, it is an investment.

How is it that simply owning a cube shaped piece of metal will end up increasing your wealth? It’s not magical in nature, is it? It’s not a vending machine, is it? Then how will it increase your wealth? This question will be answered in the section immediately following.

Why Owning a Safe Will Increase Your Wealth

You don’t need to spend several hundreds of dollars to procure a safe. Did you know that you can purchase a decent starter safe for around $140 - $160 at a discount store like Wal-Mart?

Note: Please do not go into debt to buy a safe. Either use cash or write a check. You will be glad that you did.

Once you buy a safe, you need to keep it “safe”. This is no joke. Make sure that you DO NOT announce it to the world, or take pictures of it and post it on Facebook. If you do that, then you might as well also leave the front door open and travel to China. – Buy yourself a nice starter safe and then keep it quiet.

So, how will owning a safe increase your wealth? This will happen for several reasons, but let me list the reasons first, then I will explain the connection to making you more wealthy.

1.       A safe is the best way to organize and consolidate your valuables and important documents.
2.       Your valuables will be safe, even temporarily, from fire.
3.       Your valuables will be safe (safer than without a safe) from home invasion or burglary.

These reasons alone will allow you to become more wealthy, simply because it frees up your mental faculties a little bit. This is because you won’t be wasting precious mental resources worrying about where everything important in your life is hiding.

Your important documents are together, in one place, safe from water, fire, pets, questionable house guests, etc. In short, you won’t be constantly stressed about where everything is. Even minor stress, that is consistent, will be sure to drain your mental batteries by the end of each day.

Sidebar: Have you ever come home after a day’s work and said something like, “I’m just too tired to work on any of my wealth building projects”?  It happens, right? Well, this all-too-common situation is greatly aggravated by having to deal with stress all day.

Getting a safe will free you from some of this stress. In turn, you will retain more mental energies to care for your debt reducing and wealth building efforts. This really works, it’s not hype. You’ve got to try it to believe it.

In addition to these reasons there are the more obvious reasons:

1.       You can save some cash every week, perhaps implementing one of the popular “envelope” methods.
2.       Your cash will be safe. (It’s harder to pickpocket a safe than it is a wallet. Safes are big and heavy.)

Finally, there are the intangible reasons for owning a safe, that are impossible to measure; However, these reasons are still very important:

1.       Owning a safe does something in your brain (DSIYB) in a positive way.
2.       Every time you look at, or better yet, use your safe, you will be reinforcing the thoughts that you are taking financial control of your life. – This will motivate you to take other steps.

Once you own and start using your safe you will wonder why you went so long without one.

What to Buy

When selecting a starter safe, a good size is 1.2 cubic feet. This size will fit all your crucial documents, passports, old coins, cash and blackmail pictures (kidding). The prices range from $140 - $160, which is a great value.

You can also invest in more compact safe models, like a file box. These units can run $70 - $80. They are roughly the same shape and size as a small hanging file folder case.

Finally, there is the super snug lock box. This model can be obtained for about $30.

Just a note about the lock box models. They are great little units however they have the following too characteristics that would not make them ideal as your only safe:

1.       Space is limited
2.       They can be easily carried off

The lock box safe is a great little “portable” safe, or even a good “overflow” safe where you can stash your less important documents and media.

Any one of these is fine to start out with, but I would splurge and get the 1.2 cubic meter model, if your finances will allow. That one will give you the most bang for the buck when it comes to feeling like you have taken control of your finances. I personally have all three.


So, what are you waiting for?

Every wealthy person owns one or more safes. This is not a reaction, or a result, it is a mindset, and it is proactive in nature.

Poor people think like this: “I’ll just get a safe as soon as I have some wealth to protect.”

-          That thinking is flawed and the person who continues to think like that will never actually become wealthy.

Wealthy people think like this: “I’ll get a safe right now, because I know the wealth will quickly follow.”

-          This is the type of thinking that has propelled many a person to great wealth.

It all comes back to how we think. We become what we think about. Think about wealth, and start preparing your mind for it. Invest in a safe and you’ll see your financial life begin to transform. It’s amazing the impact that it will have on you.

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